7 reasons to drop everything

San Diego Lesbian bars

Map your best San Diego, California gay and lesbian night out. Up to date information guide and directory - clubs, nightlife, disco, dance bars, GLBT community celebrations, parades, country western, cocktails, cruise bars, video, drag, nightclubs, taverns, entertainment, festivals, sports bars, party bars, pubs, tea-dance, LGBT pride events, lounges, karaoke, and nightspots.

San Diego, California vacation? Single, dating, married? Whether you call yourself drag queen, drag king, gal, cross dresser, butch, girl, fem, leather, bisexual, lesbian, boy, transsexual, male, gurl, boi, transgender, guy, daddy, questioning, homosexual, woman, gay, man, female, alternative, curious, bear, or simply human - where to find a fun place to meet or scene to free your life.

Travel from east, downtown, country, uptown, city, north, central, south, midtown, or west - driving directions from your address to the location of the new gay watering hole. Depending on your device, get turn by turn driving directions from Google, Apple, Waze.

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